The following incident is mentioned in KARNA PARVA
On the 17th day of the Mahabharata war in Kurukshetra, Karna was at his ferocious best.
He defeated Yudhistra and wounded him. Nakula saved Yudhistra and sped away to the camp.
After some time, Arjuna comes to Yudhitra's tent. Seeing Arjuna, Yudhistra thinking that Karna is killed by Arjuna starts praising him.

Arjuna immediately becomes wild at Yudhistra especially when his favourite bow Gandiva is made fun of.
In fact, Arjuna had made a secret vow that whoever\ makes fun of Gandiva will be killed.
Arjuna takes out a sword to kill Yudhistra and moves towards.
However, he immediately realises the foolishness of his impending act and stops himself.
But, since he had already made a vow, he looked at Lord Krishna for a escape route.
Lord Krishna smiles....and says
"Insult Yudhistra, as abusing an elder is bad as Killing him"
So Arjuna insults Yudhistra with words like
"you are a foolish brother who lost brothers and wife in a game of dice " ! and such dirty words.
But, Arjuna was devastated and ashamed and filled with complete guilt for using such low language against his beloved brother and was repentant and wanted killing himself.
Laughing Lord Krishna said "Dear Arjuna, now praise yourself, its as good as a Suicide (killing yourself)."

Now, Arjuna starts praising himself sky high !
And as HE did so many times, Lord Krishna saved both Arjuna and Yudhistra and the Pandavas yet again.
1. Habits makes your character :
Imagine, just 17 days ago, Arjuna had received the great immortal gyan from Lord Krishna in the form of Bhagwad Gita and he could no longer keep in check his anger and ego.
Even with best of teacher and best of lesson, unless you implement and make it an habit.....the learning is incomplete.
2. Murder and Suicide are most unacceptable
Both committing a murder and a Suicide is taking lives. You do not have right to do that.
Dharma, Artha, Kama Moksha is achievable only with this body. Thus destruction of this living body is not allowed.
3. Self-praise is equal to killing oneself
Praising oneself sky high is as equivalent to killing oneself.
4. Abusing and disrespecting is equal to killing the other person.
Yes. Words wrongly used can be more deadly than even death. Use Words carefully.
When a person is disrespected, it is like he is dead even though he is alive.
The feeling is the same as death when you are disrespected.
Srikanth Matrubai
On the 17th day of the Mahabharata war in Kurukshetra, Karna was at his ferocious best.
He defeated Yudhistra and wounded him. Nakula saved Yudhistra and sped away to the camp.
After some time, Arjuna comes to Yudhitra's tent. Seeing Arjuna, Yudhistra thinking that Karna is killed by Arjuna starts praising him.

When Arjuna informs that he hasnt killed Karna, Yudhistra is not only disappointed but very angry and losing his temper, started shouting at Arjuna using words like
"You are an incompetent archer, What use is this Gandiva, throw it into the Sea, etc"Arjuna immediately becomes wild at Yudhistra especially when his favourite bow Gandiva is made fun of.
In fact, Arjuna had made a secret vow that whoever\ makes fun of Gandiva will be killed.
Arjuna takes out a sword to kill Yudhistra and moves towards.
However, he immediately realises the foolishness of his impending act and stops himself.
But, since he had already made a vow, he looked at Lord Krishna for a escape route.
Lord Krishna smiles....and says
"Insult Yudhistra, as abusing an elder is bad as Killing him"
So Arjuna insults Yudhistra with words like
"you are a foolish brother who lost brothers and wife in a game of dice " ! and such dirty words.
But, Arjuna was devastated and ashamed and filled with complete guilt for using such low language against his beloved brother and was repentant and wanted killing himself.
Laughing Lord Krishna said "Dear Arjuna, now praise yourself, its as good as a Suicide (killing yourself)."

Now, Arjuna starts praising himself sky high !
And as HE did so many times, Lord Krishna saved both Arjuna and Yudhistra and the Pandavas yet again.
1. Habits makes your character :
Imagine, just 17 days ago, Arjuna had received the great immortal gyan from Lord Krishna in the form of Bhagwad Gita and he could no longer keep in check his anger and ego.
Even with best of teacher and best of lesson, unless you implement and make it an habit.....the learning is incomplete.
2. Murder and Suicide are most unacceptable
Both committing a murder and a Suicide is taking lives. You do not have right to do that.
Dharma, Artha, Kama Moksha is achievable only with this body. Thus destruction of this living body is not allowed.
3. Self-praise is equal to killing oneself
Praising oneself sky high is as equivalent to killing oneself.
4. Abusing and disrespecting is equal to killing the other person.
Yes. Words wrongly used can be more deadly than even death. Use Words carefully.
When a person is disrespected, it is like he is dead even though he is alive.
The feeling is the same as death when you are disrespected.
Srikanth Matrubai
Very noble..! My takeaways from this case is to develop self control, upholding respect to elders, overcome pride..! I like the point on habit, it's very true for me to be regular in practices. Lots to learn from our epics.. Wonderful writeup. Thank You Sir!