2) Allauddin Khilji's court poet Amir Khusrau in his Khazain Ul-Futuh( "treasures of victory") describes with glee how Allauddin Khilji destroyed temples & looted valuables from temples in South India
Khusrau was totally awestruck by such diamonds as never seen or heard before
3) Looted from Bhadrakali temple, the diamond Kohinoor was later seized by Mughals and ultimately usurped by British
Today, the Kohinoor diamond lies in the crown of Queen Of England. The crown is estimated to be worth $10-12 billion
4) The Black Orlov diamond is the largest black diamond in the world. It once weighed 195 Carats. It is also called "Eye of Brahma" diamond
The diamond was once the eye of a Murti of Lord Brahma in a Hindu temple in Pondicherry. It was stolen by a Jesuit "monk" and is now in US
5) The White Orlov diamond is a large diamond (190 Carats). It was the eye of Lord Vishnu(Ranganatha) in Srirangam, Tamilnadu
A french soldier in 18th century posed as a Hindu convert and lived in temple. One day he secretly plucked out eyes and looted diamonds. Now in Russia
6)The Hope Diamond is one of the largest Blue diamonds in the world(originally 116 Carats).The diamond was reportedly stolen by a French gem merchant by plucking out eyes of Goddess Sita idol
There's a famous legend that the diamond is cursed. It is now in US
Worth:$350 Million https://t.co/vKqs69A5HU
7) Loot also happens in secular Indian state which controls only Hindu temples.
The Raj Pink diamond auctioned at $30 million in Geneva is reportedly the same diamond donated by Mysore Maharaja to Lord Vishnu in Tirupati. It was with TTD board until 2001
https://t.co/QIyxjisjN3 https://t.co/UWQw7s89T8